Apache Compile Stand-alone

by Ramses Soto-Navarro ramses@sotosystems.com, 2/1/2022

Download Source
Disable Apache
Restore OS OpenSSL
Compile OpenSSL Stand-alone
Compile APR and APR-Util
Compile Apache Stand-alone
Compile Tomcat Connectors
Configure Apache
Configure Apache Startup Scripts
Test New Apache Startup
Test Commands
Server Status and Info Page
Rename Old Apache Binaries
Systems Affected by OpenSSL


Brief notes about compiling Apache and Openssl stand-alone on /usr/local/, on SUSE 15 SP3. Previously Apache was installed on top of the binaries installed by the SUSE packages. However, that method disabled the possibility of using the newest OpenSSL libraries; because updating OpenSSL would break other system utilities. Hence, compiling stand-alone in /usr/local/. The audience is experienced Linux administrators.

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SuSE 15 SP3 BMR Restore and Disaster Recovery

by Ramses Soto-Navarro ramses@sotosystems.com, 8/16/2021

Rescue Boot
Rescue Network
Backup Rsync
Backup Squashfs
Recovery Format


Brief bulletpoints on BMR backup restore and disaster recovery for SuSE 15 SP3. The procedure is the same for the previous release SuSE 12 SP5. Audience is experienced Linux systems administrators.

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Tripwire Installation for SuSE 15

by Ramses Soto-Navarro ramses@sotosystems.com, 7/26/2021

Generate Keys
Check Files


Brief notes on how to install and run tripwire on SuSE Enterprise Linux SLE 15. Tripwire checksums critical files in a database. Afterward you can inspect the checksum for files that have changed or files that have been breached. So for example, files in /bin/ should never change unless an upgrade was performed; Tripwire can scan daily for delicate files changed; a good security intrusion detection software.

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