MyDeny Script
Friday, February 19, 2021
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by Ramses Soto-Navarro,
The Script
Remove IP
Overview script adds IP addresses to /etc/hosts.deny, which have too many bad SSH login attempts. It is a simple alternative to the older python denyhosts. It searches every night for IP addresses that failed to SSH more than 20 times, via cron. If so then it adds it to hosts.deny. Logging of each denied IP will be sent to /var/log/messages as Follow the parsing logic to automatically add more libwrap services to hosts.deny. This document is for experienced Linux administrators.
The Script
#!/bin/bash MAX=20 DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d` MARK=$RANDOM TMP1=~/tmp/$MARK-1.txt TMP2=~/tmp/$MARK-2.txt f_findbadssh () { mkdir -p ~/tmp/ grep $DATE /var/log/messages | grep sshd | grep "error: PAM: User not known" | awk '{print $NF}' | sort | uniq > $TMP1 for a in `cat $TMP1` ; do echo -ne "$a: " && grep $a /var/log/messages | wc -l ; done > $TMP2 sed -i 's/://g' $TMP2 } f_addtodh () { cat $TMP2 | while read a ; do IP=`echo $a | awk '{print $1}'` COUNT=`echo $a | awk '{print $2}'` if [[ COUNT -gt MAX ]] ; then #echo "High Bad SSH Login Count = $COUNT for $IP. Adding to /etc/hosts.deny." CHECK1=`grep "$IP" /etc/hosts.deny` if [ "$CHECK1" == "" ]; then logger -t "Adding $IP to /etc/hosts.deny." echo "sshd: $IP" >> /etc/hosts.deny fi fi done rm -f $TMP1 $TMP2 } f_findbadssh f_addtodh
~ # crontab -l # Add bad SSH login IPs to hosts.deny every 2 hours. 0 */2 * * * /root/bin/ ! # systemctl restart cron
Remove IP
To remove the IP from hosts.deny run:
# sed -i '/' /etc/hosts.deny