Tiny Core Linux Customization


Brief notes for the Tiny Core Linux rescue Kernel; customized and minimized to a 25MB; containing many useful administrative utilities; very useful for rescue, offline cold backups, restores, troubleshooting boot problems, disaster recovery. It can launch from a local Linux boot loader, an external USB hard disk, or a USB stick, or a virtual/physical CDROM ISO. The distro is very well maintained with the latest kernels. The Tiny Core Linux Team did a great job with this mini distro and the Linux community celebrates their work.

Main site: http://tinycorelinux.net/

The utilities that I most used: LVM, mount, sshd, rsync, scp, netcat, netstat, tar, chroot.


http://tinycorelinux … yCorePure64-11.0.iso [28MB]

GRUB2 Boot

Add to an existing GRUB2 system, to enable rescue boot from a regular local hard disk. Copy the Tiny Core kernel and ramdisk:

# mount -o loop TinyCorePure64-11.0.iso /mnt
# mkdir -p /boot/tce/optional
# cp /mnt/boot/vmlinuz64 /boot/tcvmlinuz64
# cp /mnt/boot/corepure64.gz /boot/tccorepure64.gz
# cp -r /mnt/boot/cde/* /boot/tce/
# chmod 0444 /boot/tcvmlinuz64
# chmod 0444 tccorepure64.gz
# chmod 0750 /boot/tce

Add the GRUB2 entry:

# cat /etc/grub.d/40_custom
menuentry "Tiny Core 11.1 Rescue" {
linux /tcvmlinuz64 noswap nozswap nohdcp superuser vga=791 tz=GM-5 host=foo
initrd /tccorepure64.gz

Rebuild the GRUB2 configuration, then test it:

# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

# reboot

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